Avocado Toast with Fried Egg (for quick sexy people)

This is a quick, sexy breakfast for quick, sexy people. Being quick and sexy often means that you neglect breakfast, which is a grave error. It’s important to start your day with a full belly, of course, but more importantly you should start your day on a positive note. For me, there are few better ways of perking up than a delicious, fulfilling breakfast. I can’t wake up to a bowl of bland oatmeal or cheap, sugary cereal, I just can’t, and you shouldn’t have to either. Many of the recipes I’ll be posting here are fun, out-of-the-box ideas for nutritious (and often treat) breakfasts. This is no exception, it’s a protein-rich breakfast with loads of flavour, and the flaxseeds I’ve added here only make it more wholesome.

Also, this is not really a recipe as much as it is a list of ingredients. Toast recipes are very, very simple. Take a bunch of ingredients that you think would be yummy on toast and then do what you will. But for the grossly incompetent among you, here’s what I did to make the picture here look like the picture here.

Yes, I also ate the muffin. 

2 slices of warm wholewheat toast
Butter for spreading
½ a ripe avocado, chopped
1 fried egg
Pinch of black pepper
Pinch of crushed chilli flakes
Pinch of milled flaxseeds

In the order listed, place the things on top of the other things. Eat, and enjoy! If you’re feeling even more adventurous, sprinkle a little cheese on it and pop it under the grill for 5 minutes. You can also smash up the avocado, but my avocado wasn't quite soft enough yet (I had waited 7 days for it to ripen and could wait no longer). 

I also want to give a shout out to the Bretzel Bakery in Portobello (once again) for the magnificent bread! I bought a loaf of their wholemeal bread for only €1.95, and it is phenomenal – soft and fresh, with no additives, and it’s kosher! I’m not Jewish, but I like it when things are kosher. Anyway, in case you’re looking for good bread for your quick sexy avocado toast, look no further. Sourdough’s also supposed to be great with avocado, so that’s worth a shot too. Happy breakfasting!


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